Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Rainy Day

Rain falling like a heavy sob
from clouds like gray marshmallows.
Collecting in a puddley blob
while children splash in the shallows.

Raincoats and boots on back and foot
except for those who'll catch a cold.
Mothers calling, "Kids, be good!"
to both the young and the old.

Bicycles riding through bowls in the road
which collect all of the water,
And young ones building tiny moats
while the sun comes out and gets hotter.

But all of the clouds roll away
for they are blown by nature.
Youngsters also go their way
so they can grow and mature.

The sun is a lamp scarring the sky
until it reaches the other side.
Now the roads and grounds are dry
introducing the dawn of night.

Bodies tucked in under thick, wool covers
as they lay their heads on a pillow.
The moon's reflection parts the lovers
and casts a shadow of the willow.

Eyes slowly close and minds slowly stop
and dreams float in their way.
That morning energy reached the top
because it was a rainy day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just to Let You Know

I have a lot of poems in my notebook to post so be looking!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


If you like any of my entries, please comment, or give me some advice. Thanks.

-C. Sharp

Friday, December 11, 2009

Stormy Seas

If tomorrow brought a loved one's death,
away from God would you turn your head?

If you yourself were lost at sea,
would you disdain the Heavenly?

For all with you is nice and fine
but what if your life had a bad line?

So when trouble comes and it looks black,
do not, I plead, don't turn your back!

The Ultimate Gift

It was dark when he lay a dying man
on his bedroom bed in Haubertan.

For old he was, and good he'd lived,
but still he had to cede a gift.

Two men at his right, two women at his left.
At the foot of his chaise stood his grandson, Shadseft.

Broken and brittle and weakly he spoke,
until out came his words with less than a choke.

"This endowment I'll give, to whichever of you five
will stay with you for the rest of your life."

"How is this so?" asked the chancy one.
"Things fade to ev'ry rising sun."

Said the old, wise man in a reply,
"Do not question my wisdom on the day that I die."

"For I," he continued, "am 83.
You aren't even half as old as me!"

Angrily, the doubter stormed out in a fury.
Said, jokingly, Shadseft, "Seems he's in a hurry!"

The adage went on, and still just as bold,
"This gift is far greater than gold."

"How," spoke a woman, "can it be better than money?
Old man, i feel as if you're trying to be funny."

He said, "I kid you not, young one, though tall,
this bestowal could be the best of all."

She, too, blustered out, holding up her dress,
and without looking back, she ran from the rest.

Now three, had the man, standing beside him,
a sum of one woman and two men.

"This gift," said he, "and truthfully I say,
belongs to me only to give it away."

One more contradiction, now from his right,
looked at him beneath the dim light.

"You claim, mister, that you, only, bear this gift,
but I am sure I could get it at a thrift!"

The old man could not utter a word
before the boy stomped away yelling, "Absurd!"

"This final aspect," he said as he was about to part,
"is that this prize, I promise, comes straight from my heart."

This time, not one disagreed,
but they believed him indeed!

Just before he went up above,
he said to them, "I give you my love."

And the old, wise man drew his last breath,
then, finally, he met his own death.

It was dark when he lay a, now dead, man
on his bedroom bed in Haubertan.

What is this?

First of all, if you do not like to read, this blog is definitely not for you. I love to write, and I write all the time, poems, short stories, etc., but no one ever reads them because they are safely kept in my room untouched and unread my anyone but me. I do plan to someday get these published into a small book, but I do not want to wait that long so I decided to create a blog. One detriment of this, though, is that I am not the best typer in the world at all, but maybe I will get better by doing this. The last thing I want to say on this matter is that I am probably not the type of person you would expect to have a blog completely dedicated to writing stories. Well, hope you enjoy my works!